August 20, 2024
Explore Stissing News 1Guests went batty for the bats at Bontecou.

AT Pawling Water Bar News 2

While to many bats are mysterious creatures with potentially sinister attributes, they are, in actuality, critical creatures within our ecosystems. So, the awed group of Evening Bat Walk attendees learned at the first-ever educational event held on the soon-to-be-opened Jesse & Gayle Bontecou Wildlife Conservation Preserve. Dr. Amanda Bevan Zientek of Hudsonia's Biodiversity Resource Center led the way, teaching visitors about our local bats and their importance in controlling insect populations and as pollinators. The guests were amazed to hear the echolocation calls of bats on the preserve, normally inaudible to human ears but able to be heard thanks to the technology Amanda provided. They left with a newfound appreciation for the tiny and fascinating mammals that wing their way through our skies when the sun sets.

Tree Planting News 3AT Pawling Water Bar News 7