Community is at the heart of what the DLC works for each and every day – communities of farmers, residents, sportsmen, recreational enthusiasts, equestrians, businesses and visitors – all of whom benefit from our work to preserve the important land that contributes so greatly to our communities’ rural character and way of life. When you become a community business sponsor, you will simultaneously raise your business profile and support the protection of Dutchess County’s precious farms, forests, rivers and streams. We are proud to align ourselves with those who care deeply about our rural towns – and the land we all love.

The DLC offers varying levels of sponsorship. Choose to sponsor one of our Community Education Events or Programs or a Special event. Sponsors receive benefits and recognition. What better way to showcase your commitment to the local community than by partnering with us? For more information call (845) 677-3002.  




Special Events Patrons

Bank of MillbrookPennoyerCorcoran

Special Events Sponsors

Houlihan Lawrence Logo for WebMCPFullLogoMillbrook Equine PrecisionAS Logo ALLBlack crop copy     TrotwoodFarm Logo Final 01 zimmer bros

Community Sponsors

Bel Aire Farm LogoLABELLA RGB HORZ hi resMS Logo BlueMillbrook Yoga from websiteMtnViewEvents Logo TransparentMutual of AmericaStructure Works logo