November 2, 2024
Explore Stissing News 1Guests learn dairy farming techniques at Chaseholm Farm.

AT Pawling Water Bar News 2

On a bright but windy day in Pine Plains, farmers - and those interested in learning more about where their dairy comes from - met at Chaseholm Farm to discover the health and environmental benefits of grass-fed cows. The event was one of many cooperative "Down to Earth" learning opportunities for farmers the DLC has held in cooperation with the Columbia Land Conservancy over the past decade. Sarah Chase, the co-owner and herd manager of the farm, has been practicing grass-fed dairy management for the past decade and was instrumental in transitioning the farm from a conventional to a grass-fed herd, and participants were eager to learn from her experience. From forage to breeding to shelter, attendees came away with a new understanding of the hard yet rewarding work that goes into running a local dairy farm with a focus on healthy food products and sustainability.

Tree Planting News 3AT Pawling Water Bar News 7