Fall Luncheon Sponsors
Bank of MillbrookHarney & Sons Fine Teas
Houlihan Lawrence
Millbrook Equine
Paula Redmond & Corcoran Country Living
Peter Pennoyer Architects
Zimmer Brothers
Auction Donors
Julia & David DescoteauxFlorence Peyrelongue & Jose Luis Guerra
Mashomack Preserve Club
Tamarack Preserve
Hannah & Duke Buchan
Millbrook Acupuncture/Térèsa Balagna
Core Collective Studio
Michel & Patricia Jean/Champêtre
Stissing Center for Arts & Culture
Shady Knoll Distillery
Orvis Sandanona
Alicia Adams Alpaca
Stissing House
Le Caviste
The Wassaic Project
Massimo & Chiara Ferragamo
J. McLaughlin
Bear Creek Farm
Canoe Hill
The Fizzy Filly
Elk Ravine Farm
Jim Archer
Babette's Kitchen
Tony Henneberg
Sarah D'Arcy Framing
Frank Bartow
Eric Roberts & Robbianne Mackin
Goods & Services Donors
Adams Fairacre FarmsHackett Farm Supply
80milesnorth Flower Farm
Sabellico Greenhouses and Florist
Village Wine and Spirits
anna and peter tcherepnine
bob kaus and katie cussack
candy anderson x
chris mann x x
cochairs jose guerra florence peyrelongue and julia and david descoteaux
colleen howland and emma sweeney
david thieringer and andrea walton
diana king and juliana pecchia
elizabeth mayhew marina dayton jasper van saten and georgina schaeffer
felicity bontecou and olivia fussell
henrietta morlock david and alice cynn florence
howard bellin
jack lynch and wendy carduner
john regan and x
joyann king jeremy michael and julia brown
joyce and george mykoniatis and x
k l m n
karen klopp and nancy henze
katie cusack and goerge langa
katie ridder and x
mary hillard and eric roberts
meghan klopp and brooke kennan
meghan klopp fritz henze adam klopp
mich ferraro and kak weathers
nancy henze x fernanda kellogg
paula redmond and gayle bontecou
phillip and julia brown joyann king perrin martin and chrissy mccurdy
pomykala family
ron linclau cece cord
ruthie and linc lyman
sis and moby mudge
terry regan and kirk henckels
the greenwoods and mark grigalunas and christopher bazzani
tim and felicity bontecou
tim mayhew
toby collins and colleen howard
tom sosnowski and kate cassirer
x and deban flexner
x and marie clarire gladsone corcoran
x and marina dayton
x and nancy stahl
x cece cord x
x patricia ff and erik oken
x x
x x terry regan ruthie lyman
y y z
y z
Photos by Barbara Beatty Photography and Sarah Blodgett