March 24, 2022
Tree ID Web NewsWinter is a great time to practice tree identification skills, and in March our Director of Education Julie Hart teamed once again with Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Wildlife Biologist Fargione for a tree ID webinar.

March 18, 2021
The Reel Deal
Forever Protected: A Dutchess Land Conservancy Film, produced by environmental filmmaker Jon Bowermaster, opens with a panoramic flyover showcasing this area’s tapestry of majestic forests, fields and farms, visually conveying the DLC’s essential mission: land conservation. Resident actor Liam Neeson opens the film with his own compelling statement to the community: “We are so lucky to have this place. But I know it takes more than luck to preserve what we have here. It takes the work of organizations like the Dutchess Land Conservancy.”